
WWF Scandals 1992 | WrestleZone Forums


Recently i came across an interesting video on youtube. This features VKM and a few former employees of the WWF on the Donahue show. This was about an announcer named Murray Hodgson who was supposedly fired cos he rejected Pat Pattersons advances. Then you had a few other people who also talked about Pat Patterson advances towards them and seeing him trying it on with kids.


I tried to find articles on this afterwards. I found one which basically stated that the lawsuit Murray Hodgson had against the WWF was dropped. Is that cos he was lying? Cos Pat Patterson did resign but was rehired.

What i found strange was one person made these allegations and all of a sudden a number of people came out and had similar stories. Was this a way to get attention or was there any truth to this?

I know Billy Graham talked about Pat Patterson trying it on with young boys and that it was reported, but nothing was done. If that was the case, why not call the police?

I also found this video to be interesting on the whole steroid scandal from 1992.


There seemed to be a lot of people talking about Hogan taking steroids, though he claims he only did so 3 times for medical reasons. I don't get why he never admitted to it? To keep his image clean?

****** Actually on Larry King, Hogan did admit to taking steroids, cos everyone else was doing it and at the time it was legal *******


Tobi Tarwater

Update: 2024-06-05