How did the UFC commentator get a scar at the back of his head?
UFC color commentator Joe Rogan has a big scar on the back of his head due to multiple hair transplant procedures.
Strip harvesting is the most common procedure of hair transplant in which a strip of skin with hair follicles is removed from the posterior scalp and transplanted at the balding area. The procedure leaves a scar on the posterior scalp which is visible on the back of Joe Rogan's head.
Joe Rogan got the hair transplant out of the fear of missing opportunities
While talking about the mark on his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan revealed that he got a hair transplant on three separate occasions in his late twenties and detailed the aforementioned procedure.
"The way they do (hair transplants these days) is they take a single thing (hair). It's not like the old way of doing it. But they (used to) take a big strip of hair. So there's like a big scar on the back of my head like a smile, for the rest of my life," said Joe Rogan.Rogan is a well-known TV personality since his twenties and the prospects of an individual's success depend greatly upon his physical appearance in the TV and entertainment industry. The UFC color commentator admitted that he chose to get the hair transplant done out of the fear of missing out on opportunities.
"I had a hair transplant. I had my first one when I was 26. I had three of them 'cause my hair was falling out and I was freaking out. I was freaking out because I was on TV too... I should never have done anything. I should have just shaved my head from the beginning," said Joe Rogan.However, Joe Rogan has resorted to a bald look in recent years and does not recommend going through surgical procedures to enhance physical appearance. The lack of hair has not hurt the chances of his success either.
Rogan has retained his place as the most recognizable face of the UFC's broadcast team and has become one of the most successful podcasters. He secured an estimated $100 million multi-year exclusive deal with Spotify in 2020 and saw his net worth significantly increase in a relatively short amount of time.
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